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I Think This Should Tide Us Over For the Next Year or So

Wanyas told me Shoprite was selling Mt. Dew Throwback again, so i went and got us a few cases.

Picked up some Pepsi Throwback while i was at it.

By min | August 9, 2010, 10:04 PM | My stupid life


they have Dr Pepper throwback over here. you want some?

ooh! yes, please! although, i don't think you'll fit the cases into your carry on luggage...

Reference from SuperMegaMonkey

Now, back when i posted the pic of our Mountain Dew Throwback supply, you may recall that Mr. adam offered to get me some Dr. Pepper Throwback. I figured mebbe he'd bring me a can or two when he came...    Read More: What's in the Box?