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The old biddy party

The Democrats' strategy for campaigning against Linda McMahon is bewildering:

Democrats see McMahon's tenure as WWE CEO as a potent general election attack. They have already attacked her over the content of WWE programming as well as the company's record on policing steroid and other drug use.

Critics have seized on the content as degrading to women and charge that McMahon and the WWE are in the business of peddling inappropriate sexual content to young viewers.

"Connecticut Republicans today nominated a corporate CEO of WWE, who under her watch violence was peddled to kids, steroid abuse was rampant, yet she made her millions," Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) said in a statement on Tuesday's primary results.

The reaction from the Democratic National Committee was even harsher.

"Today the party of Bob Dole, Jack Kemp and Dick Lugar nominated a candidate who kicks men in the crotch, thinks of scenes of necrophilia as 'entertainment,' and runs an operation where women are forced to bark like dogs. This is what has become of the once grand old party," DNC National Press Secretary Hari Sevugan said in a statement.

Who are they appealing to with that rhetoric? They sound like the Moral Majority from the 80s. Do they really think it's going to get social conservatives to vote for a Democrat? All they're doing is alienating fans of professional wrestling. Reminds me of how Tipper Gore's PMRC convinced me i was a conservative when i was in middle school.

By fnord12 | August 12, 2010, 5:18 PM | Liberal Outrage