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What's in the Box?

Now, back when i posted the pic of our Mountain Dew Throwback supply, you may recall that Mr. adam offered to get me some Dr. Pepper Throwback. I figured mebbe he'd bring me a can or two when he came to visit.

Well, when i saw Wanyas' post from 2 wks ago, I started to suspect that adam was offering something else entirely.

Yesterday, we too received a mysterious package.

Though not nearly as heavy or as costly as Wanyas' box,

it was from

I think you can see where this is going...

You're a pepper! He's a pepper! I'm a pepper, too!


By min | August 25, 2010, 5:10 PM | My stupid life


you are welcome. i think i like the regular pepsi better than the throwback. i forget my opinion on the mt dew; i seem to recall liking the throwback better. let me know the taste test results for the doctor.