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Gay Cure App

Apple shoulda just stuck with Plants vs Zombies and Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja. No need to feature apps that "cure" anything. Please.

Apple appears to have pulled an iPhone and iPad app promising "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus" after coming under fire from gay rights activists.

More than 146,000 people signed a petition calling on Apple to remove the so-called "gay cure" app backed by Exodus International, a Christian group that describes itself as "the world's largest worldwide ministry to those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction".


In the petition letter addressed to Steve Jobs, the Apple chief executive, and posted last week on the Change.org site, objectors said: "Apple doesn't allow racist or anti-semitic apps in its app store, yet it gives the green light to an app targeting vulnerable LGBT youth with the message that their sexual orientation is a 'sin that will make your heart sick' and a 'counterfeit'.

"This is a double standard that has the potential for devastating consequences. Apple needs to be told, loud and clear, that this is unacceptable."


By min | March 23, 2011, 2:17 PM | Liberal Outrage & Ummm... Other?