« Too late | Main | Of course it's canon » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsAvengers Academy #11 - I definitely prefer Chen's art to Raney's, but if this is what it takes to get two issues a month, i'm ok with it. As for the plot... i liked the arrival of the real Avengers, i thought that there was way too much 'explaining' going on, and i'm not necessarily thrilled with the idea of the students taking over the bodies of their future adult selves in order to save the day. Avengers: The Children's Crusade - Young Avengers #1 - That's a hefty title! And here we have another book where we see kid Avengers as grown-ups. But i like the Alan Davis art (mostly; i think someone needs to show Davis some pictures of black people to demonstrate that they don't have to have gigantic noses and lips), and i thought the future mind-fakes were interesting. Hulk #30.1 - Decimal points now, huh? I await Hulk #30.7DD when Marvel decides to go hexidecimal next year. Why not, they've already made their numbering system entirely meaningless with the constant resets and shifts. Hmmm, oh the issue itself? Yeah, what i always liked least about the classic Hulk comics is the constant pursuit by General Ross. So now that Ross is (a) Hulk, i didn't really need a replacement. But Parker does a good job setting up the guy and making him interesting. So we'll see where this goes. If these .1 issues are meant to be exciting jumping on points for casual readers, i'm not sure this really fits the bill, but i guess that's not my problem. Thunderbolts #155 - So Satana is going to be the Thunderbolt's mystic? Ok, that works. I forgot she wasn't dead. From the cover i thought it might be Nico from the Runaways, which could have been cool too. I enjoyed the 'Cage, Strange and Man-Thing on a quest' scenes (I especially liked when Strange said "Look Satana, it's good thinking using physical threats. But i have someone with me who can handle those. Now let's just cut to the chase, ok?"). (Also: Your search - Vagornus Koth - did not match any documents.) But when i read the little scene with the Beetle fixing Juggernaut's helmet, i couldn't help realize that the actual Thunderbolts were barely in this issue. Lastly, in introducing the "beta flight" team, it might have been helpful if the artist drew the characters so they'd be recognizable. The only one i really for sure 'recognize' is the Beast, and i'm sure that's not accurate! Actually, there's the Mandrill, and maybe that's one of the Blood Brothers (which would be odd) and that one's a Skrull, but you get my point. By fnord12 | March 21, 2011, 6:53 PM | Comics CommentsI think I may've dozed off during that Avengers Academy issue. all i can say is i'm not reading anymore of this red hulk stuff. i didn't like ross as himself and i don't like him as a hulk. in fact, the only hulk i like is the incredible hulk. all others need not apply. What the---? Well! Reference from SuperMegaMonkeyMe, March 11, 2011: "Decimal points now, huh? I await Hulk #30.7DD when Marvel decides to go hexidecimal next year." Marvel's March 2012 solicits: FANTASTIC FOUR #5AU Read More: Getting there |