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Putin's Got Some Balls


The Russian prime minister told ministers to cough up "at least a month's wages" each to fund a statue of Pyotr Stolypin, who was himself prime minister of the country from 1906 to 1911.

Stolypin launched important agrarian reforms but brooked no dissent and introduced a faster process for prosecuting opponents of Tsar Nicholas II. As a result, the hangman's noose became known as "Stolypin's necktie".


He suggested the current leadership had to demonstrate its own sacrifice in promoting Stolypin's desire to "put Russia on a healthy path".

He said MPs should also contribute to the memorial, which will be erected outside the White House, the Russian government building, to coincide with events celebrating the 150th anniversary of Stolypin's birth in April.

Ministers appeared to raise no objection to being told how to spend their cash.

Ofc they raised no objection. They don't want to end up getting a radioactive isotope cocktail.

It must be interesting being Putin, always entirely convinced of your own fantastic-ness. If he starts talking about being like unto a god, i suggest someone take him out quick.

By min | August 5, 2011, 9:01 AM | Liberal Outrage