« Transbots | Main | Mmm...Staph-Flavored Bacon... » Good news, i guessI was kind of annoyed by the upcoming Venom crossover since i'm only reading the Red Hulk book and i didn't want to get the other books or read part 3 of a 4 part story in Hulk. Luckily, as i was reading Paul O'Brien's reviews for the week, i saw this: In the interests of completism, I'd better say something about the "Circle of Four" storyline running through this month's weekly Venom issues, oddly numbered as issues #13.1 to #13.4. This storyline appears to have started life as a planned crossover between Venom, X-23, Ghost Rider and Hulk, only to be thwarted when half of those books were cancelled. Now it's been reassigned as a Venom storyline with a whole load of guest stars. Works for me. By fnord12 | February 21, 2012, 1:11 PM | Comics Reference from SuperMegaMonkeySo they were going to have that cross-over with Venom and X-23 and Ghost Rider but then they decided to just put it all into "point" issues of Venom instead. Which is fine with me, except now the Hulk book is building off of that storyline. Read More: SuperMegaSpeed Reviews |