« Supportive Relationships - Cocaine for your Brain | Main | Laboratories of Democracy » I'll take twelve issues of Kirby over eight issues of any artist todayInterview with Marvel talent scout C.B. Cebulski. Interesting problems regarding the state of the industry: CEBULSKI The way that we look at it now is that the production cycle of comics has changed. It used to be Romita, Kirby, Ditko, all those original guys. Comics came out monthly. They were fast enough. It was a job for them. It wasn't really art. They were getting a paycheck. By fnord12 | March 27, 2012, 10:13 AM | Comics Commentsif they're taking so much time with their art cause the focus is on the art and the artist, why does it look like ass most of the time? give them less time to mess it up and mebbe it'll look decent. |