« Save time by skipping letters | Main | What Did He Think Was Going to Happen? » Trying not to panic!Interesting how this (that link uses the wayback machine because the original has linkrotted) comes right on top of some comments on the Marvel Reading Order project: Marvel have long been hinting that AvX is going to definitively solve one of the 'problems' that affects the X-Men: in a world where anybody can be a superhero, why would the general population have it out for mutants?... ![]() This is all pure speculation at this point, of course, so i won't start ranting about the end again. But there was some wild theorizing earlier that the coming of the Phoenix in AvX would end in a DC-like reboot of Marvel, and this sounds like a half-step in that direction. But one that would be easy enough to reverse, i suppose. Anyway, i'm officially Not Reacting to this yet. By fnord12 | May 9, 2012, 3:33 PM | Comics Reference from SuperMegaMonkeyThere was also this idea that was floated during AvX that speculated that it would end with mutants being shunted off to a separate universe. I don't know what any of it means. Inhumanity could just be a story. After all, i'm the guy that thought the little Hulk time travel story was going to result in a complete Marvel reboot, and i likewise panic about every random announcement. Read More: SuperMegaSpeed Reviews |