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Forget the game

I'm just jealous of Gabe from Penny Arcade's gamer table. Min has been advocating building a table, but i've been having a hard time imagining it. Now i'm thinking maybe we ought to get a move on that project.

Right after i beat Dark Souls, finish my 5 box back issue addition, and then paint those 300 miniatures.

By fnord12 | September 10, 2012, 2:41 PM | D&D


it wouldn't be that difficult if we started with an already made table. we'd just have to cut it to make leaves so that it could fold up to a normal-sized table when we weren't playing. that's if we don't want drawers and pull out trays.


I'm sure I speak for everyone else when I say feel free to work on the table and leave the painting for last. We support that.