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Airborne Ebola - Yay Evolution

Cause regular ebola wasn't scary enough. Link.

Transmission of the virus -- which causes an often fatal hemorrhagic fever in people and primates -- was thought to require direct contact with body fluids from an infected animal or person. But in the new study, published online November 15 in Scientific Reports, piglets infected with Ebola passed the virus to macaques housed in the same room even though the animals never touched.
The new study raises questions about whether humans can also transmit Ebola by respiratory routes, says Pierre Formenty, of the World Health Organization's Control of Epidemic Diseases Unit. That is something that will have to be investigated in future outbreaks, he says.
Ebola viruses related to the African strains have been found in orangutans in Indonesia, raising the possibility that other unknown Ebola-like viruses could spill over into pigs and then humans, Marsh says. "That's concerning."

I'll say it's concerning. Remember Outbreak? I remember Outbreak. I remember when they were performing an autopsy and cut the person open and their liquefied insides spilled out onto the floor. I don't want my insides to liquefy. I like my insides the way they are. Goddamned ebola.

By min | December 18, 2012, 11:50 AM | Science