« SuperMegaSpeed Reviews - surprise extension | Main | Susan Rice Withdraws » Marvel Pirate says ____?So these AR thingies. I haven't tried them yet. From what i've read about them so far, i think they are mainly like videos of assistant editors ad libbing or something. But i'm noticing them showing up in places where in the old days one might expect to see footnotes. So i'm wondering if i'm missing out. I of course am a big advocate of footnotes, and this is also kind of a lame ass version of what i had suggested in my brilliant paradigm shift post. So i probably ought to be supporting it. But even after the effort involved in finding the right app and downloading it, i'm not sure how i feel about sitting there and waiting for my sometimes-3G phone to choke out a video while i'm in the middle of a comic. I guess i'm supposed to go back and go through the book a second time after i've read it. I don't have time for that! But one day, i'd like to imagine that i will go through all these books again. Whether as part of my timeline project or just because i want to re-read something. And we all know about linkrot. I don't think anyone expects that these AR thingies will be active a year or so from now. So i'd rather just have the footnote, thanks. By fnord12 | December 13, 2012, 10:49 PM | Comics Commentsif i am sitting here reading the physical copy of something, why is Marvel making me have to get a device to get the rest of the information? use the damn medium you've got. also, you know what i do when i see those AR things? ignore them. they don't even register in my conscious mind. you know why? cause i'm reading a comic book, not surfing the web on my phone. |