« What Would the Phoenix Five Do? | Main | Holiday Shutdown » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsWinter Soldier #13 - I've been griping about Guice, but i thought that was a well executed fight sequence at the beginning of this issue. Not necessarily that all of the art's storyelling problems were solved. But the fight actually made sense, there was some tactics involved, and was more than just "two guys pose, one guy falls down". But then, ummm, they bring Bucky in and "hours later" he's walking free after nine hundred issues of him being a brainwashed killer? After the same thing happened to Black Widow and then she turned out to still be brainwashed? Ah well, with only one issue left and no sign of anything reaching conclusion, i guess they have to speed things along. Iron Man #4 - Ok, we're now at the point where Gillen is definitely making fun of Land, and that's hilarious, but i don't know if i can handle instant self-satirization. And let's face it, Gillen may be making fun of Land in the script, but he's just enabling him in the plot. Two issues ago Iron Man got to fight a group of people in identical iron suits, ideal for cutting and pasting. And now Iron Man's fighting a group of identical zombie-girls, ideal for tracing from porno stills and cutting and pasting. The scene after Iron Man shot off their heads was so bad. Eraser tool! I also hope that the ending where Stark realizes that he's not been thinking about things clearly is a turning point. Between developing a surly AI and not realizing (?) that the final zombie-girl is pregnant with a demon baby, he's clearly not making good choices in this series so far. Avengers Assemble #10 - I wanted to like this series, but DeConnick had Tony Stark incorrectly use the phrase "begs the question" so i couldn't. And that was before they thought giving Bruce Banner infected crackers after the infected water he drink gave him a tummy ache was a good idea. Who does this? Who shows up in an outpost full of dead people and starts eating stuff they find laying around? And when did Thor turn into a surly jerk throwing out "your momma" insults? And also an idiot? When someone in pain says "Hell-- Hell--", he assumes they are saying "Hela"? Not "help"? But of course, it was actually "helicarrier" because this comic obviously takes place in the Movie universe where the SHIELD helicarrier has a cage for the Hulk. Dark Avengers #184 - From one alternate dimension to another. This one's a bit silly with Strangetown and Yancyland and whatever. It's well written and at least it features some real Marvel U characters but i really hope this series didn't survive just to become Exiles. By fnord12 | December 20, 2012, 11:08 AM | Comics |