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Bait & Switch or Boogie Man Set Up?

The U.S. is accusing Russia and China of "cyber-espionage" and warning us that it's quite "aggressive".

In a report outlining plans to deal with the theft of American trade secrets that comes in the wake of revelations about Chinese hacking in the US, the White House warned that both countries would remain active in trying to illegally obtain sensitive information.

"We judge that the governments of China and Russia will remain aggressive and capable collectors of sensitive US economic information and technologies, particularly in cyberspace," the report stated.


In its section on China, the report said the Chinese intelligence services, as well as private Chinese companies, often used people with family ties to China as a way to hack into sensitive information. "[They] frequently seek to exploit Chinese citizens or persons with family ties to China who can use their insider access to corporate networks to steal trade secrets using removable media devices or e-mail," the report said.

Unless they mean bootlegged movies, i dunno what these trade secrets could be. If China's going to steal technology secrets, they should steal them from Japan. They're building people over there!

When i read something like this, my immediate thought is "What is the U.S. government doing that they're trying to hide?". Is it a smokescreen for some illicit activity they are engaging in or is it the creation of a boogie man so that the public is more amenable to accept some other charges they will make at a future date? And just what are those illicit activities or future charges?

And really, our government is living in a glass house. They have been perpetrating their own cyber-attacks. I guess it's only an act of war if someone is doing it to us. That's fair.

I think it's telling that the report brings up the "threat" posed by social activists (who are clearly very much into stealing technological secrets, don't you know).

"Political or social activists may use the tools of economic espionage against US companies, agencies or other entities, with disgruntled insiders leaking information about corporate trade secrets or critical US technology to "hactivist" groups like Wikileaks," the report said.

Are they really concerned about technology secrets being stolen or are they actually worried their dirty laundry will be aired? Tough call there.

By min | February 22, 2013, 10:31 AM | Liberal Outrage