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Post Office Post

Speaking of Post Offices, i don't imagine that the cancellation of Saturday deliveries will result in major howls of protest. Yglesias says it's a good first step but ultimately we're going to have to stop delivering to rural areas, which is a very controversial Slate-tarian type of thing to say but it helps illustrate the point that the USPS is a government service, not a for-profit corporation. And i of course want to push my agenda of eliminating the bulk rate; either companies will pay more to have their junk delivered or the Post Office will have to sort and deliver less junk.

Finally, whenever we talk about Post Office budget issues, we should repeat the fact that the USPS's problems are largely due to the fact that it is required to pre-fund its employee benefits unlike any other business in the world.

By fnord12 | February 6, 2013, 1:00 PM | Liberal Outrage