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Crunky Cover Reviews: June 2013

I looked at the June covers and didn't really have anything to say about them except for these three:

1. Thanos Rising #3 by Simone Bianchi

I didn't care for Bianchi's Thanos last month and i continue to not care for his Thanos this month. His face is all sorts of wrong in that "it's so obvious" way that i'm at a loss to describe. He's still sporting the smarmy smile. There's something not right about his nose. His chin isn't bumpy in the right way. I dunno. It just doesn't fit my image of Thanos.

2. Secret Avengers #5 by Francesco Francavilla

I like that it's in the style of old spy novel covers.

3. Fearless Defenders #5 by Mark Brooks

Mark Brooks does a decent "sexy chick" face. The problem is he only has one face. And here it is repeated seventeen times. If they'd all had toothy, open-mouthed laughs, i might have mistaken this for a Greg Land cover (although they don't look like Tawny Kitaen, so i would have been suspcious).

I considered saying something about Jeff Dekal's cover for Journey Into Mystery #653, but i decided it wasn't worth the effort. The entire series has been a disappointment all-around, in addition to being a disappointment in the "strong female lead" sense, so i'm just trying to pretend it doesn't exist.

By min | May 13, 2013, 11:56 AM | Comics