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Guillermo del Toro's Raydeen vs. Godzilla

After seeing Pacific Rim on Friday night, i did a little networking and i am now excited to announce that i have exclusive access to the storyboards for the sequel (working title, according to friend Bob - Pacific Rim 2: Rimmed Harder). I've learned that Guillermo del Toro has acquired the licenses for a couple of characters:

Of course i went with the Marvel version of Raydeen.  But i couldn't do the same for Godzilla.  He's just too off model.  Sorry, Herb Trimpe.

Oh my god, you guys! This is going to be awesome! I can't wait to see it!

Here are the storyboards:

I use the Comic Sans font just because i know it bizarrely angers some people.

Hmmmmm. Not quite what i was expecting. What the hell just happened?

By fnord12 | July 28, 2013, 9:50 AM | Comics & Godzilla & Movies

Reference from SuperMegaMonkey

And that's the strange and increasingly prevalent use of shaky cameras, jerky POV changes, and extreme close-ups that has been infecting more and more movies (definitely ruined our enjoyment of Pacific Rim).     Read More: Captain America and the Palsy Cam