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Walmart Running Food Drive for Its Own Employees

Stop. Read that again. Walmart pays its employees such shitty wages, it's asking for donations so these people can have Thanksgiving dinner. Do you remember that scene in Mickey's Christmas Carol where the Cratchit's have their Christmas dinner and the goose is miniscule cause it's all they can afford?

Walmart is the Scrooge to their employees' Bob Cratchit!

Unfortunately, we've gone 'round 180deg, and today's society doesn't view the Scrooges as the obvious villains anymore. Instead, they're "shrewd businesses" that aren't letting "lazy people" take advantage of them whilst nurturing a sense of community amongst their employees. Right.


One might be tempted to take this as a sign that the country's largest retailer (and grocer) doesn't pay their workers enough to put a holiday meal on the table. The company, however, would prefer you think of it as proof that Walmart employees are a tight-knit bunch:
Kory Lundberg, a Walmart spokesman, said the food drive is proof that employees care about each other.

"It is for associates who have had some hardships come up," he said. "Maybe their spouse lost a job.

"This is part of the company's culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardships," he said.

Cause Walmart sure ain't gonna take care of them.

By min | November 19, 2013, 9:09 AM | Liberal Outrage


In an attempt to be positive, here's the opposite:
