« Almond Hazelnut Wreath | Main | Talking dog also not included » Not meIf you're not up on the latest Scott Lobdell controversy you can see here and here. And the comments on this post also raise an interesting sub-point. But on that second link, there's a comment from a "fnord" and i just want to make it clear that it's not me. I'm fnord12, obviously (the worldwide conspiracy to spread uneasiness and confusion has produced many fnords). And i don't even accept Scott Lobdell's apology for his Uncanny X-Men run, let alone for being a creepy fratboy misogynist. By fnord12 | December 26, 2013, 6:15 PM | Comics Commentshe "apologized" for his "presence at the panel" causing her to feel uncomfortable. no, asshole, it wasn't your "presence", as if you're so intimidating that someone might feel uncomfortable sitting next to you. it was your disgusting sexual harassment. and if that's your idea of "humor", you need to go rethink a few things. a real apology would entail realizing you don't know how to behave appropriately and making sure you learn how to do that from now on. and also, he apologized to her husband at the convention so what's with this "i didn't realize..." bullshit? lobdell's responsible for the sexed up Starfire. why am i not surprised? It will be interesting to see if this affects your opinion of Lobdell's early work when you get to 1989. Can you separate the writer from the story? It's not always easy to be aware of your biases or even know if you should adjust for them. But there's a similar situation with Frank Miller and there's no doubt i enjoy his 80s Marvel work. Of course my opinion of Scott Lobdell even before these incidents is quite different... |