« Are you aiming high? | Main | They want to take away our softcore porn! » "There is no sense of what he is really capable of, what he has done in the past, and what is at stake in potentially trusting him"Osvaldo Oyola looks at Brian Wood's X-Men and why (or at least some of the reasons why) it failed. By fnord12 | April 15, 2014, 1:07 PM | Comics CommentsHey! Thanks for sharing the link! Brian Wood's X-Men was simply awful. the team was never a cohesive team. Wood is simply awful at basic writing (yeah, you actually should introduce your characters to the reader. take a writing class). the resolution to the story was bizarrely abrupt (a team of female x-men foes were painstakingly assembled throughout several issues and then in the last issue, half of them decide to quit the team cause storm offered to let them go instead of bothering to fight. Selene and Madelyne Pryor are the Democratic Party of X-Men villains, apparently). The End. and the weird arguments/interactions between characters (Rachel and Psylocke; Rachel and Sublime). ugh. and Marvel did their usual bait and switch with the artist. lured me in with Coipel and then switched him out for another artist after a few issues. i had my doubts about reading a Wood comic anyway, given the accusations of sexual harassment made against him by other comic creators. now i know he's a bad writer in addition to possibly being a douchebag and can happily avoid any of his future works. Min, you gave it more of a chance than I did. #3 was the last one I picked up. I think one-arc is enough of a chance for any comic. |