« Alana Should Ask Her for Training Tips | Main | SuperMegaSpeed Reviews » My Second Biggest Captain America: Winter Soldier DisappointmentAssuming it's safe at this point to spoil the movie, was anyone else completely disappointed when Nick Fury's bringing Cap down the elevator to reveal the secret SHIELD project, telling him the story about his grandfather keeping a gun in his paper bag, and it turns out the secret project is not this: ![]() Cause I was. I made the effort to watch this part of the movie, holding back my nausea, and what did i get? A bunch of helicarriers. WTF? Who cares about flying spy ships with laser cannons? Where's my giant gun? HRMPH! By min | April 22, 2014, 3:48 PM | Comics & Movies CommentsHeh; I guess the whole story is just to back up the whole concept regarding Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury. The three Heli-carriers were stupid anyway and the movie didn't have any Murder Chair in it. |