« SuperMegaSpeed Reviews | Main | Color Test » Not for nothing, but you're using that phrase wrongCorrect use of the phrase "Not for nothing": Incorrect usage: Not for nothing, but if you're going to live in the midwest, you're going to have to learn to deal with tornadoes. The lesson we can learn from this is that if you're going to use the phrase "not for nothing", you a) ought to have a Murder Chair and b) prefer Super-Villain High Speak to the more mundane "There's a reason". The phrase may not be used as a sort of "Hey, don't be offended by my possibly offensive opinion, which may or may not be worth anything". This serves as your official notice. Future infringers will receive a visit from Cadavus. By fnord12 | April 28, 2014, 12:50 PM | Comics & Master of Style |