« Even Grey Hulk can put up with Meatloaf for charity | Main | "You really start to wonder, after a while, just why it is that some of you guys follow the books at all." » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsRevolutionary War: Omega - I thought maybe this could have been a few pages longer. The set-up and background for Killpower was really good but then it all seemed to end very quickly. The part with Motormouth just power-shouting at Killpower immediately reverting him to normal seemed abrupt. And then it was all over and we got the wrap up. I'm still not really sure what Mephisto's role in this really was or how things ended with Dark Angel. And the other characters were kind of a blur. But it might just require a more careful reading. And in any case i did enjoy this little event and would be happy to see Lanning, Cowsill, Gillen, etc. writing more in this little corner of the Marvel universe. Indestructible Hulk #20 - I was souring on the Inhumanity crossover, but this issue was pretty cool. I enjoyed the new Enclave, anyway. And Hulk fondly remembering gum. Now, this upcoming reboot... the Daredevil reboot, as little sense as it made, at least there was a natural build up to the idea that Daredevil had to move out of New York. Whether moving to a new location merits a reboot is another matter (answer: no). But this Hulk reboot actually felt like it forced the status quo change that happens in the end. The premise of this series, with Banner working for SHIELD and having gathered a team of scientists each with their own dark secrets or whatever, it was interesting and that's why i was disappointed that it kept seeming to get derailed by crossovers. But now the team's been discarded seemingly because of the reboot. What Marvel has to do to keep sales up is one thing. And i know Hulk isn't selling in the numbers he should be for a movie star. But hopefully we're not getting into a period of instant reactive storytelling: oh, you didn't like the scientists, ok, drop them, reboot, how about a story where someone shot Banner? No? Ok, reboot. Hulk turns blue? By fnord12 | April 3, 2014, 9:41 PM | Comics |