« My Second Biggest Captain America: Winter Soldier Disappointment | Main | "This should not be confused with civil disobedience...This is outright anarchy" » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsHulk #1 - Not sure i was impressed with the brain surgeon's connection with Bruce Banner - unless there's going to be more to it i don't understand the guy's "guilt", etc.. But i guess the idea is that it was all misdirection; he wasn't the hero of the story, the anesthesiologist was. Decent set up so far (kind of a shame to waste Bagley on near action-less set-up), but if this doesn't end with Bruce Banner shouting "Hulk's butt hurts!" i want my money back. Ms. Marvel #3 - This continues to be good. I do think Adrian Alphona's art is perfect for this story. And Kamala in the school environment helps highlight the Peter Parker-ish outsider kid theme more than last issue. The scene with her hand getting big in class is a classic teen super-hero (or Teen Wolf) metaphor moment. The other thing is i'm pretty relaxed about this; it doesn't need to "go" anywhere. The book is all about her interactions and her discover of her self/her powers, so unlike just about every other book i'm reading i don't feel like the plot is dragging (again, last issue which really kept her isolated, was different). I guess we're going to have a "The Inventor" as a villain, but no hurry. Good stuff. By fnord12 | April 22, 2014, 10:10 PM | Comics Commentsi'm having a hard time accepting they shot Banner in such a way as to injure him but not trigger his transformation. I actually like that Waid took the time to make it clear that just "casually" shooting Banner in the head wouldn't do the trick. |