« SuperMegaSpeed Reviews | Main | More on reparations » Kudos for meeting your legal requirementsYglesias and Krugman have positive things to say about Obama's decision to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions. Both essentially make the same point, which is that Obama is finally starting to see that he's not going to be able to reason with the Republicans. Here's Yglesias: Once upon a time, of course, the White House had a fairly ambitious second term agenda... I agree with all of that and i'm glad that the EPA will be taking this action. But it's worth noting (again) that this is basically required by law after a 2006 Supreme Court case. Both Bush and Obama dragged their feet on this, but it's not like Obama is suddenly and unilaterally making this decision. This gets surprisingly little mention, and when it does it's mainly to deflect (absurd) charges of fascism, but it was covered recently in a TPM Cafe piece. By fnord12 | June 2, 2014, 10:38 AM | Liberal Outrage |