« Recession alert | Main | Well i never bought any New 52 so you can't blame me » JuxtapositionThe Medium puts up a list of questions from a Bernie Sanders interview on CNN against a list of questions from an Ask Me Anything interview on Reddit. It's (so much) a matter of the quality of the question; it's that all of the CNN questions are horse race questions. I get it: Bernie Sanders is a longshot candidate. And a question or two about he chances makes perfect sense. But don't we want to actually learn where politicians stand on the issues? And isn't Bernie Sanders a longshot candidate at least in part because people don't know him, and then all that they hear about him is that he's a longshot candidate? I'm not saying that it's CNN's job to help Sanders get his message out (although reporters then shouldn't get upset when politicians stop going on their shows, which they do). But it just feels like the target audience for CNN is political junkies that don't know how to use the internet, not people actually looking for news and information. By fnord12 | June 1, 2015, 1:58 PM | Liberal Outrage CommentsInsofar as the mainstream media is expected to "strike a balance" between the horserace and the substance, i think Meet the Press did a good job. And Sanders did a great job at insisting on his differences with Clinton and Obama, rather than falling into party-line praise. Which I welcomed. Of course the write-ups of the MTP interview are all about "Fifty Shades of Grey". |