« Nice work, Bernie | Main | I guess there just wasn't time for context » International Potato CenterI dunno what the article is about. Growing potatoes on Mars or something. Whatever. I got to this paragraph and stopped: This data has motivated a group of scientists from NASA to team up with the International Potato Center, or CIP (Spanish abbreviation), in Peru to conduct an experiment growing potatoes in conditions similar to Mars, with the hope of generating food for possible future manned missions to the Red Planet. You guys! There's an International Potato Center. An International Potato Center. What does that even mean? Why do potatoes need an entire center let alone an international one?? I have questions! Questions i will not do independent research to answer! Damn skippy i'm categorizing this under "Science". By min | February 2, 2016, 1:14 PM | Science CommentsThey should bombard Mars with potatoes of all varieties and see what takes root. |