« Chomsky's Argument for the Lesser of Two Evils | Main | Now Who's Gonna Get the Tall Stuff for Me? » Good Thing We've Got a Dem in the White HouseCause a Republican might do something crazy like bomb Libya. It well so well the first time, afterall. The U.S. launched a major new military campaign against ISIS on Monday when U.S. planes bombed targets in Libya, responding to requests from the U.N.-backed Libyan government. Strikes took place in the coastal town of Sirte, which ISIS took in June of last year. Yeah, big surprise. There's never an "end point". We can't manage to find the funds necessary to make sure people's water isn't contaminated, but we always have money for more bombs. By min | August 2, 2016, 8:48 AM | Liberal Outrage CommentsWe haven't had a Democrat in the White House since Jimmy Carter... |