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Nailed it

Don't worry, guys. All my fussing about the Democrats needing to change has paid off. The House Dems have emerged from their post election autopsy with the following conclusion:

"I think the next presidential nominee should be someone who's gutted a deer or in some other way demonstrates to small-town America and rural America and hunters that they're culturally attuned," [California Rep. Brad] Sherman said. "And gutting a deer is one way to go."

min: i can't believe these motherfucking morons managed to successfully rig a primary against us.

By fnord12 | February 13, 2017, 7:52 AM | Liberal Outrage

Reference from SuperMegaMonkey

Reacting to the Vox article i linked to below, Ryan Cooper outlines Obama's bad history of seeking a middle ground with Republicans at the expense of his own party's agenda and common sense. Relatedly, Democrats are apparently fretting that the...    Read More: Meet in whose middle?