« Was that likely? | Main | Some good news » Nailed itDon't worry, guys. All my fussing about the Democrats needing to change has paid off. The House Dems have emerged from their post election autopsy with the following conclusion: "I think the next presidential nominee should be someone who's gutted a deer or in some other way demonstrates to small-town America and rural America and hunters that they're culturally attuned," [California Rep. Brad] Sherman said. "And gutting a deer is one way to go." min: i can't believe these motherfucking morons managed to successfully rig a primary against us. By fnord12 | February 13, 2017, 7:52 AM | Liberal Outrage Reference from SuperMegaMonkeyReacting to the Vox article i linked to below, Ryan Cooper outlines Obama's bad history of seeking a middle ground with Republicans at the expense of his own party's agenda and common sense. Relatedly, Democrats are apparently fretting that the... Read More: Meet in whose middle? |