« Archive for 2020 | Main | Happy Thanksgiving » China's search for life in spaceA long, kind of meandering article, but worth a read. The main point is that China is leap-frogging the US on space tech. In addition to the headline point about China building a Mega-SETI, the article also mentions China's plans to build a station on the dark side of the moon and to send a manned flight to Mars. But beyond that, there's a nudge to get me to get around to reading The Three-Body Problem. And an interesting summation of China's history, although it weirdly skips China's communist period, jumping from WWI directly to the 1980s (it does briefly go back only to gloss over Mao). The article also raises the cool (!?) possibility that a civilization that we encounter in space might already have reached its singularity and been taken over by AI. And most importantly there's a nod to my brilliant idea to bombard Venus with seeds: They have looked into the feasibility of "Genesis probes," spacecraft that can seed a planet with microbes, or accelerate evolution on its surface, by sparking a Cambrian explosion, like the one that juiced biological creativity on Earth. By fnord12 | November 19, 2017, 12:04 PM | Boooooks & Liberal Outrage & Science |