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Avengers #249Issue(s): Avengers #249 Review/plot: Hercules is hanging out at a resort club and monopolizing all the ladies when it starts to snow. Being Hercules, he immediately swims out to an aircraft carrier and demands a ride to Avengers mansion. Meanwhile, Thor shows up at the mansion and informs the Avengers what's been going on with Surtur. He asks the Avengers to help fight the Sons of Muspell. If you'd like, you can compare the art and dialogue from some of the scenes above with the same scenes from Thor #350 and let me know if i was right to be outraged about the differences when i was 9 years old. The Vision is unable to contact any other super-hero teams. And he really makes a big effort, reaching out to the West Coast Avengers, Alpha Flight, the Defenders, the X-Men, the Inhumans, Captain America, and all the reserve Avengers. Due to the storm, he's unable to reach any of them. But he is able to get the Fantastic Four. Sue doesn't participate, however. And the Human Torch isn't very effective against fire demons. In the only subplot in this issue, Maelstrom is awakened in a new cloned body and gets into an argument with Deathurge over the fact that Deathurge didn't exactly help out last issue. Maelstrom still doesn't understand that Deathurge isn't a regular lackey. Deathurge points out that Maelstrom only has one cloned body left and predicts that he won't have time to make more. "Such is your own Death-urge!" This was a fun battle issue. It'll be resolved in Thor #351-353. Quality Rating: B Chronological Placement Considerations: Takes place during Thor #350. References:
Crossover: Casket of Ancient Winters Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (4): show CommentsI can't seem to see the scans on this page. Posted by: Michael | August 15, 2011 7:41 PM Fixed the scans. Thanks. Posted by: fnord12 | August 15, 2011 8:51 PM "If you'd like, you can compare the art and dialogue from some of the scenes above with the same scenes from Thor #350 and let me know if i was right to be outraged about the differences when i was 9 years old." Posted by: clyde | March 19, 2015 1:27 PM I remember being really frustrated at this issue as a kid - it begins with this big battle and you'd think it would carry over into the big #250, but instead, it just continues in Thor and the anniversary issue has them going up against Maelstrom. However, as an adult, with a massive appreciation for Simonson's run on Thor, I'm okay with that. I really like Milgrom's work here, but Simonson's stuff is so perfect for the story he did. Posted by: Erik Beck | May 21, 2015 11:43 AM Comments are now closed. |
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