Captain America #242Issue(s): Captain America #242 Review/plot: Muldoon wants vengeance on Captain America. The Manipulator subjects Cap to a bunch of robot duplicates of his friends and teammates. Muldoon eventually gets tired of the Manipulator's indirect methods, and goes out to try to shoot Cap himself, but fails. Then the Manipulator reveals that he's really doing all of this to experiment with Muldoon's psychology, not to kill Cap. The Manipulator makes the argument that he hasn't done anything illegal to Cap - if anything, he helped flush out Muldoon - so he should be allowed to leave without any charges. Before Cap can agree to that dubious notion, Muldoon recovers and takes a shot at Cap that misses and hits the Manipulator, revealing him to be a robot. Captain America is lured to the Manipulator's lair by a call to Steve Roger's apartment from the fake Peggy Carter. That suggests that someone, likely the Manipulator, knows Captain America's secret identity. This is a more straightforward use of the Manipulator than Gerber's version, but both stories leave some open questions about the character. The Manipulator will next turn up on a workbench in Machinesmith's lab. Here is the origin story told by the Manipulator, in case it turns out to be relevant (per Michael's comment). Quality Rating: C Chronological Placement Considerations: The MCP places this between Avengers #188-189 and before Marvel Premiere #49 and Avengers annual #9. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (2): showCharacters Appearing: Captain America, Cowled Commander (Sgt. Muldoon), Manipulator II CommentsThe Manipulator's fake origin involves having a mother that drove his father to suicide. Interestingly, Machinesmith is eventually revealed to have killed his mother, although he claims it was because she thought his obsession with robots unhealthy. Some fans have wondered if the Manipulator's fake origin relates to Machinesmith's past. Posted by: Michael | July 1, 2013 8:49 PM Comments are now closed. |
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