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Captain America #292Issue(s): Captain America #292 Review/plot: Ok, that wasn't one of them. But there have been crow attacks, and they were a prelude to an attack this issue by a new character called Black Crow. The Crow is a wheelchair bound Native American who becomes the embodiment of the "old America" similar to how Cap is the embodiment of the new. He's got a slew of mystical powers... ...and Cap is unable to defeat him. He's also affected by the Crow's critique of the modern world. So in the end, he surrenders. That satisfies the Black Crow, and he leaves. The original plan was to have the Black Crow eventually become Captain America's replacement but Jim Shooter nixed it. While it has an "interesting idea that you shouldn't really ever actually do it" feel, it really could have been done. A few years from this story, Steve will be replaced (in entirely difference circumstances), so there's no reason to say DeMatteis' story couldn't have worked. That said, DeMatteis, who isn't a great writer (this issue is pretty melodramatic), probably wasn't the guy to do it. Neary's art is pretty stiff this issue as well. Bernie casually mentions getting married to Cap this issue. I didn't think much of it at first, but it's got Cap all out-of-sorts in future issues and it seems she really meant it. By the way, here is Nomad supposedly adding a chemical to Captain America's drink that will reverse his super-serum and cause him to age. It's part of the upcoming Red Skull arc. There's nothing in this scene that would make anyone suspicious, though. Also, we get a little insight into what Steve Rogers actually does for a living this issue. Maybe he'd be happier being a full-time super-hero? He could draw a little on the side for fun. Quality Rating: C Chronological Placement Considerations: A scene at the end of this issue roughly duplicates the end of Avengers #242, when Cap and the Avengers leave for Secret Wars. Black Crow chooses Christmas Day as his attack. Seasoned chronologists such as myself know to dismiss all references to Christmas as "topical references"; otherwise we'd be wondering why it's a snowy winter when Captain America leaves for Secret Wars but an ice-cream worthy fall day for Franklin Richards when the heroes return in Fantastic Four #265. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (4): showCharacters Appearing: Arnie Roth, Bernie Rosenthal, Black Crow, Captain America, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), Hawkeye, Immortus, ISAAC, Mockingbird, Nomad, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Starfox, Thor, Vision, Wasp CommentsAfter Black Crow's Marvel career ended, he grew his hair long and started his own rock band. Posted by: Mark Drummond | October 2, 2011 5:02 PM I could swear Bernie Rosenthal's crow act inspired a couple of Bluth chicken dances on "Arrested Development." Posted by: Walter Lawson | July 27, 2013 11:57 PM "I toyed with the idea of Sam Wilson, the Falcon, becoming the new Cap" Man, DeMatteis could have made Captain Samerica happen 30 years ago. I like the idea of a Native American character taking the mantle of Captain America. That's certainly something I'd like to do should I ever become a Cap writer in the future. However I'm not sure Black Crow was the perfect character for this role; he looks a bit overpowered. As far as I understand it Cap is supposed to be just an elite human kind of guy. Then again John Walker had super-strength... Posted by: Nate Wolf | May 12, 2017 3:54 AM No offense, but the last thing Cap needs is another run where it's a story about a different character. The last 3 runs have all been about anyone but Steve. Writers are making Steve more and more irrelevant to Captain America and, especially currently, he is seriously being devalued and destroyed as a character. Although, I think it'd make an interesting one-off What If. Marvel could even get DeMatteis to write it. Posted by: AF | May 12, 2017 6:17 AM The only problem I have with replacements is when they feel forced. Don't make it happen if it's not really needed at the moment. But we know it will happen sooner or later. Thus, it makes sense if Steve stays around as a mentor. Depending on the situation he can even stay active and share the name like what happens post-Standoff. In any case Steve is the first Cap, and the standard to follow. If anything that makes him more important than before. He's one of the biggest influences on new heroes. YMMV on all this stuff; I personally think it does more good than harm. (I wonder what DeMatteis or anyone else who previously worked on Cap thinks about the Hydra thing, though.) Posted by: Nate Wolf | May 12, 2017 2:49 PM Englehart gave Steve super-strength for a couple of issues; Cap works best as he is. Posted by: Vin the Comics Guy | May 13, 2017 1:56 PM Also, keep in mind Gruenwald did not intend for John Walker to permanently replace Steve, and the point of Walker was to show why Rogers was best suited for the role. Posted by: mikrolik | May 13, 2017 7:58 PM Comments are now closed. |
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