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Excalibur #14Issue(s): Excalibur #14 Review/plot: Before that, though, we're still on the first Cross-Time Caper world, and there's a few points to make there. I said in that entry that there's very little character development in this long storyline, and i stand by that. But one thing to note is that Captain Britain is indeed aware of the mutual attraction going on between Nightcrawler and Meggan. ![]() There's really no opportunity in this story to see how that might change Brian's behavior, if at all (especially since he's separated from "Courtney Ross"), but at least it doesn't make him seem quite as dumb. There's also this run in with this world's Nigel Frobisher analogue. We don't find out what, exactly, Nigel's thoughts were. ![]() I have to imagine that all attractive female telepaths (i.e. all female telepaths in the Marvel universe) deal with this sort of thing all the time, so whatever Nigel was thinking must have been particularly egregious or Rachel's psi-shields were weakened for some reason. Then the characters accidentally trigger Widget's teleportation on the train, and they wind up in a world with an Acts of Vengeance that has outstayed its welcome. ![]() The world also has a Chris Claremont and a John Byrne engaged in one-upmanship with the competing Avengers and X-Men franchises. ![]() And Alistair Stuart of WHO denies knowing a Dalek. ![]() One actual story point worth noting is that the Galactus of this world seems to talk like he's the Galactus of all the multiverse, and he foreshadows his upcoming confrontation with Phoenix that will occur after the Cross-Time Caper. ![]() ![]() ![]() In fact, the MCP does list this as the "real" Galactus. There have and will be alternate universes with alternate Galactuses as well (e.g. What If? #32), and i don't know what the rules are regarding when he counts as "real" or not, although obviously his dialogue here is a big clue. Quality Rating: C+ Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A
CommentsI know you're not a big fan of the Cross-Time Caper, but gosh I loved this issue. It was just so ridiculous and full of all sorts of ridiculous continuity references. It felt like an issue of What The!? I also really love that scene with Excalibur holding Brian back from thrashing Nigel. Posted by: Mark Black | November 10, 2014 4:04 PM Do you consider Impossible Man to be a pan-dimensional character, or does he have multiversal duplicates? (Has someone else issued a verdict on this being the "real" Impy or not?) Posted by: cullen | November 10, 2014 6:45 PM I assume everyone has alternate selves in other dimensions unless we explicitly know otherwise, like as Dan recently pointed out about the Living Tribunal and Immortus and as Galactus seems to reveal about himself here. Any reason why Impossible Man would be included in that category? The MCP doesn't list Impy but they do list Galactus for this issue, for what it's worth. Posted by: fnord12 | November 10, 2014 7:00 PM Rachel's lashing out at the guy for thinking naughty thoughts IN HIS OWN MIND bothered me, even though we know his counterpart is a horrible person. Especially since a lot of guys' minds will go there when they see an attractive young woman dressed the way Rachel dresses. Posted by: Michael | November 10, 2014 8:41 PM This was the only issue I had from this arc and I was completely lost. Liked the art, though. Posted by: Robert | November 10, 2014 8:57 PM Wow - I don't think Galactus works as a pan-dimensional character at all. Especially since we've seen what had to be alternate versions of him (one of them was "nullified" in that same issue of What If where the Tribunal asserted his own pan-dimensionalism). Isn't Galactus' whole (revised) origin that he comes from the UNIVERSE before this one and not the MULTIVERSE before this one? Plus how does that square with the whole Watcher's guilt thing over not killing him when he had the chance? That seems to be the case with Watchers throughout the Multiverse, yet it would have only occurred in one if he were pan-dimensional. And Galactus keeps being referred to as part of the Eternity-Death-Galactus trinity, yet Eternity and Death are absolutely tied to their individual universes. Again, the Eternity in What If #32 died when Korvac used the Nullifier (and it was his spirit, not some interdimensional walkie-talkie, that later spoke to that universe's Doctor Strange, Phoenix, and Silver Surfer). Wait, did I just says "that universe's Phoenix?" So much for THE Phoenix-avatar... Posted by: Dan H. | November 11, 2014 12:15 AM I agree. Galactus does not really work as a pan-dimensional character. His very origin demands that he must be tied to his own universe instead of shared by several. Posted by: Luis Dantas | November 11, 2014 12:28 AM Maybe he's just visiting. He's always wanted to eat an Earth, so he popped over to this dimension for some lunch. Based on his dialogue it sure seems like it's supposed to be the real one, so i'm keeping the tag. Posted by: fnord12 | November 11, 2014 7:49 AM If there's more than one Galactus, does that mean there's more than one X-Men Adventures universe that died and spawned him? Posted by: cullen | November 11, 2014 12:14 PM Alan Davis claimed in Amazing Heroes #193 that he contributed story ideas to this and #15, but went uncredited. Terry Kavanagh made up for it by giving him credit on #16-17. Posted by: Mark Drummond | August 10, 2015 10:41 AM As a 15 year old, I didn't get the Claremont / Byrne joke (which makes me crack up now) or the Dalek (started watching it in college), but I absolutely loved both Brian needing to be held back and the multiple Wolverines. Having read his appearances in both the X-Men and NM Annuals, this did seem precisely like the work of Impy. Posted by: Erik Beck | September 12, 2015 2:25 PM I really like Claremont's attention to detail in this issue. Other than all the funny continuity jokes in the background, there's the fact that we're told the first world has no science-based superpowers and yet in the opening splash we can see counterparts of Thor, Dani Moonstar, Doc Strange and Black Knight. Obviously heroes with magic or equally mystic energies as the source of their powers would still exist on this world (there was a Captain Britain counterpart, after all) but I appreciate how it's actually made explicit and not just glossed over. Posted by: Nate Wolf | April 20, 2017 3:37 AM According to Crisis DC's parallel universes were born from the same event. It could be Marvel's were too, and Galactus, who was there at their creation, is simultaneously present in all of them. He could be the vector by which information is transmitted between the universes, keeping them parallel to one another. Posted by: Luke Blanchard | January 24, 2018 6:00 AM Comments are now closed. |
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