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Excalibur #20Issue(s): Excalibur #20 Review/plot: ![]() ![]() In her depression, she lashes out at Nightcrawler. ![]() The antagonist of the story is the obscure character the Demon Druid, who we know from his previous appearance in Thor #209 is not really a bad guy (although he does turn some tourists into stones in this issue). ![]() After flying around and seeing Brian making time with Courtney Ross (or so he thinks), she encounters the Demon Druid, who has created a new Stonehenge at Arthur's Seat in Scotland near a nuclear power plant. She transforms into a classic Showa era Godzilla to fight him. ![]() I was surprised to see Meggan shooting energy blasts. I didn't know her abilities extended to that. ![]() Another person who may think that it's actually Courtney Ross, and not Opal Luna Sat-yr^9 as it has to be at this time, is Michael Higgins. Those thought balloons don't look like they should be coming from an evil alternate dimension queen. ![]() Rachel and Kitty are out on the town, and they reject going to a tavern called The Witchery By the Castle. I assume this is some sort of in-joke. I did check and confirm that this wasn't the same tavern where the Vizier met with Donald Blake in the Demon Druid's last appearance. ![]() ![]() After leaving the tavern, they notice the lights from the battle between Meggan and the Druid. Kitty phases into him, and that seemingly ends his threat. ![]() However, at that point Kitty becomes intently obsessed with working on something, and she keeps trying to get help from Brian (who is also a scientist) but he's generally too distracted to help. In the end, after the Demon Druid resurfaces at the nuclear plant, we learn that Brian helped complete the repairs to Widget after Kitty passed out from exhaustion. ![]() Kitty's phasing with the Druid means that she knows he's not malicious, but she wasn't able to share that with Captain Britain. So while the others are setting up to use Widget, he attacks, and Phoenix has to stop him. ![]() She knocks him out. Then they open the portal to send the Demon Druid home. ![]() The Demon Druid seemingly managed to get home at the end of his first appearance too, but see Michael's comment below. It sure seemed like he was flying home to me, but i guess he crash landed shortly after that panel. This story is more focused on confirming, heavy-handedly, that Excalibur is a dysfunctional team. ![]() Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: "Stan Lee presents an untold story of Excalibur from a time just before the Cross Time Caper". We see the completion of the repair of Widget in this issue, basically requiring it to take place during Excalibur #11. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (1): showCharacters Appearing: Captain Britain, Lockheed, Meggan, Nightcrawler, Opal Luna Sat-yr^9, Rachel Summers, Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde), Ultimus, Widget CommentsFNORD - it's a real castle - Posted by: clyde | October 13, 2014 4:11 PM Thanks, Clyde. It still seems that scene is just an in joke, though, especially with that line about "that freaky writer". Posted by: fnord12 | October 13, 2014 4:31 PM Besides Courtney Ross, there's also the problem of Captain Britain's outfit here. It got destroyed during Inferno. I'm sure wiser heads than mine have determined this is the only spot it can go (because of Widget). Posted by: Jay Demetrick | October 13, 2014 6:28 PM Regarding Brian's out-of-character behavior, in Excalibur 26, also by Michael Higgins and Ron Lim, the team fights Mastermind and he reveals that he's been walking among them in Brian's guise for some time. I have to wonder if the Brian in this story was intended to be Mastermind. Unfortunately, that's impossible, since Excalibur 26 features Widget and a non-Nazi Moira, so it has to take place after the Cross Time Caper. Posted by: Michael | October 13, 2014 7:56 PM @ Michael:For what it's worth, Excalibur 26 Posted by: gfsdf gfbd | November 3, 2014 7:15 PM Comments are now closed. |
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