Fantastic Four #147Issue(s): Fantastic Four #147 Review/plot: To make matters worse, Namor shows up out of nowhere to attack... ...and it turns out that Sue has moved in with him. We'll learn in the next arc what this is all about. All i'll say for now is that this is a very dangerous game that could have resulted in someone getting hurt real bad. Here's Reed in full-blown super-villain mode. Johnny has an exo-suit that lets him flame-on under water, but it doesn't work very well. It's kind of ridiculous, but we'll see that suit again, and more functional. Quality Rating: C Chronological Placement Considerations: The MCP has all of the Sub-Mariner's appearances through FF #149 occurring between Sub-Mariner #71-72. See the Considerations for Giant-Size Super-Stars regarding the placement of this issue relative to that one (i'm saying this issue comes first, but it's not definitive). References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (1): showCharacters Appearing: Bob Landers, Carol Landers, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Medusa, Mr. Fantastic, Sub-Mariner, Thing 1974 / Box 8 / EiC: Roy Thomas CommentsThis was gut wrenching arc - apart from Gwen Stacy's death, no other issue has wretched me more than Reed and Sue separation! Posted by: Jack | July 23, 2013 5:59 PM Maybe it wasn't the best written but it was super interesting reading Sue and Reed's relationship split. Not sure if I would have been okay with Medusa completely moving in on Reed but I liked her as moral support and she ws pretty cool. Posted by: David Banes | November 28, 2013 3:17 PM Between Medusa movin' on after-Susan Reed, MJ on after-Gwen Peter and Pepper on Tony Stark, one could imagine that at Marvel someone was obsessed with redheads. Posted by: JTI88 | August 22, 2016 6:42 AM @JT188: don't forget another catlady becoming a redhead about this time too. (sadly I actually appreciate Greer as a raven-haired female) Posted by: Ataru320 | August 22, 2016 8:18 AM I guess that I prefer a dark-haired Greer too, but I still have to arrive there (I am reading in pubblication order). Well, a brunette turning redhead further corroborates the theory. If Moondragon will ever buy a wig, we have a hint about the color. Posted by: JTI88 | August 22, 2016 10:39 AM You can almost smell the faint scent of Vodka on Reeds overgrown stubble and feel him twisting in hopeless agony in this issue. A megalomaniac like Namor has just usurped his wife a Reed knows Namor is satisfying her at high pitched frequency that he can only imagine in a quantum physics notation. All I can think of when I read this book was ouch like when you accidentally brush into a Cactus. Posted by: Rocknrollguitarplayer | January 26, 2017 12:20 AM I always pictured Reed as more of a Scotch drinker. After all, back in the day only dirty Commies drank Vodka. Posted by: Ben Herman | January 26, 2017 10:29 AM The James Bond (no Commie he) films popularized vodka in the 60s and certainly people in the US were widely drinking it in the 70s. But yeah, I'd figure Reed to drink Rob Roys or Rusty Nails. Maybe Scotch on the rocks when he's morose. Johnny would have drunk Harvey Wallbangers around this time, ignoring the sliding time scale Posted by: Ubersicht | January 26, 2017 11:54 AM Nothing like mixing alcohol and emotionally-triggered self-combustion. Posted by: Andrew | January 26, 2017 12:02 PM @Ubersicht: Yes, that is true about James Bond, and as a long-time fan I am quite embarrassed that I forgot :( As for Reed Richards, considering his background as a scientist and his fondness for pipe-smoking (at least in the Silver Age) Scotch just seemed like a natural fit to me. Although in cases like this, when his wife has left him for Namor, I half-expect Reed skipped the "on the rocks" part and was having it neat. Having said that, even under the worst of circumstances I cannot picture Reed ever drinking directly from the bottle. Yeah, this is what comic book fans think about in their spare time :) Posted by: Ben Herman | January 26, 2017 2:38 PM Off topic for this issue but I like to imagine Rogue gets a little crazy drinking Old Grand-Dad 100 proof Bourbon straight from the bottle. Otherwise she mixes it with Coca-Cola. And a lime when she's being fancy. Posted by: Ubersicht | January 26, 2017 5:07 PM As we know from the cover to the now-classic Marvel Two-In-One #86, the Thing has a fondness for Miller draft beer. He probably has a glass or two of Manischewitz wine during the Jewish holidays :) Posted by: Ben Herman | January 26, 2017 10:42 PM Doesn't Ben drink Shotz Beer (of Laverne & Shirley fame) straight out of the can? Confirmed in Avengers #150, IIRC. Medusa and Reed do seem to be making with the chemistry (just as Johnny and Medusa were in the previous arc), but she is, after all, a married woman. One would assume that Black Bolt might have a word or two to say about this. And Mr. Blackagar Boltagon is somebody you reeeeally don't want to have words with, for obvious reasons. Subby is being an utter jerk here, no matter how "noble" his motives prove to be. Ugh. Posted by: Dan Spector | March 2, 2018 3:03 PM Comments are now closed. |
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