Fantastic Four #35Issue(s): Fantastic Four #35 Review/plot: Holy calamity Oh, sorry. Inspired by the title. Ummm, here we have the first appearance of Dragon Man. He was created by a professor at State University, who created an extremely large, fire-breathing dragon and was trying to make it come alive using an extraterrestrial rock. He has been repeatedly told to not work on his insane experiments during school hours, but he can't seem to help himself. I don't know how much of a chance he had, but luckily for me (a big Dragon Man fan) Diablo escapes from his prison this issue. You know, this should really count high on the FF's screw-up list. Diablo had been imprisoned for hundreds of years, but the FF bumped into him once and suddenly he can free himself. Diablo brings Dragon Man to life, and, of course, under his control. The FF are on campus because Reed was invited to give a lecture. Sue is able to subdue the Dragon Man because, like King Kong, she realizes he's just a big softee. Then Diablo reasserts control. He's a weird looking guy. They stop the rampage, but both Diablo's and Dragon Man's fates are uncertain. The Thing says they might have been swept into "one of them suberranummmum -- suberrumptinum -- underground caves!" At the end of the issue, Reed proposes to Sue on the campus' Lover's Lane and she accepts. It's still weird seeing women - in this case college girls - fawn over Mr. Fantastic. I think of him as an old man. Cameos by Professor X and Cyclops, who came to State investigating a false lead on a mutant, and Peter Parker (that's a terrible Peter Parker), who is looking at universities since he is graduating soon. Quality Rating: C Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: Marvel's Greatest Comics #27 Inbound References (9): show 1965 / Box 2 / Silver Age CommentsReed may be an old man, but he's probably one of the hottest celebrities out there. A known superhero who's leader of the FF, rich, and followed in the gossip magazines. There's bound to be a lot of fantasizing over him although I suspect the Human Torch gets more. Posted by: Chris | August 14, 2012 10:54 PM That must be The Leader impersonating Peter Parker Posted by: S | August 14, 2012 11:33 PM first of all, Reed never actually proposes. he just points out the tree and tells her about a tradition and Sue jumps on it. any other guy, i'd say his intentions were clear. with Reed Richards, he might have just been passing on data, and now he's gotta go with it. second, did anyone else hear William Shatner reading Sue's line? "I've been waiting...for you to...take my hand!" Posted by: min | January 31, 2013 9:01 AM Reed had the fan club of hawt young things back then. Patsy Walker (future Hellcat) was another girl who slept with Reed's picture on her pillow. I guess smart *is* sexy ... Posted by: Gary Himes | July 2, 2013 7:58 AM I can't believe I'm not the only one who heard 'Ham-fisted Kirkian Stacatto' when she said that. Posted by: Silverbird | June 2, 2014 12:11 AM Was that Peter Parker just a try-out for Hammerhead? And you gotta love Reed: "You feel about me the way that I feel about you?" Dude, Reed, did you even read the first 34 issues? Posted by: Erik Beck | December 29, 2014 8:52 PM I don't see Reed as THAT old. Remember at this point Reed was intended to be a World War II veteran- if he enlisted in 1942 at 22 years of age, he'd be 45 at the time of this story. There are plenty of good-looking 45-year old guys. Posted by: Michael | December 29, 2014 11:01 PM With those pictures next to one another, it looks more like Professor X has popped on a Frankenstein cap. Posted by: Berend | April 1, 2015 7:02 PM It's probably just a coloring error but when Diablo first appears in this issue his costume is red with the arms and legs bare. He looks even sillier than he does in the scans above. Posted by: Robert | February 14, 2016 7:38 AM I liked this issue a lot because I do like Dragon Man and the bit with him and Sue was neat. I like that read finally proposed. As far as Reed's age, he was 21 when Perl Harbor was attacked which made him 41 in FF#1 so yeah 45 or 46 is about right. I believe that Sue is supposed to be 10 years younger so that would put her in her mid 30's. I may be wrong on her age but I seem to remember reading that somewhere. Posted by: Bobby Sisemore | October 31, 2016 8:00 PM Peter should be careful. He talks to the Torch in the exact same tone he uses as Spider-man. Luckily, Johny is dense as hell and could never put 2 + 2 together. Posted by: kveto | May 24, 2018 3:59 PM Comments are now closed. |
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