Giant-Size X-Men #3Issue(s): Giant-Size X-Men #3 Review/plot: Despite some protests from the group, they do end up fighting. Even when Nightcrawler says he's not going to fight... ...he immediately attacks Storm. Note that according to the above sequence, the other X-Men already know that Wolverine's claws pop out of his hands, as opposed to gloves. The fight ends when Banshee shows up to confirm that Xavier has nothing to do it. Wolverine claims the idea behind this was to see which teammates he could rely on. He says that Thunderbird is the most likely to survive. I like Joss Whedon. I like Neal Adams. But this story didn't need to exist and it's a pretty lousy use of the characters. FYI, Giant-Size X-Men #2 was an all-reprint book that came out 6 months after issue #1 Quality Rating: D Chronological Placement Considerations: Takes place shortly after Giant-Size X-Men #1 and before the events in the Classic X-Men #1 backup (which mostly happen the night after GSX #1). References: N/A Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? Y My Reprint: N/A
CommentsNeal Adams' art seems to have deteriorated. There's no more strange layouts or 3-dimensional type panels, and too many faces and poses border on caricature. We should be grateful that Neal didn't write it, though(as buyers of his latest Batman book found out the hard way). Posted by: Mark Drummond | April 28, 2013 6:49 PM Seriously did we really need more Wolvie back-padding and foreshadowing of Thunderbird's fate? And where is his moving, it's "the best at what he does"!? Posted by: Ataru320 | April 28, 2013 10:26 PM That "we're not one short, we're one too many" line is a ripoff of a classic line from the Sergio Leon western Once Upon a Time In the West. Three killers meet Charles Bronson at the train station. Bronson thinks they were sent by his new employer to pick him up. He notices they only brought three horses and asks where's his. The bad dudes laugh and one says "looks like we're shy one horse." Bronson slowly shakes his head and says "you brought two too many" before blowing them away. Posted by: Robert | May 30, 2014 10:03 PM Horrible. EVERYONE is completely out of character. Posted by: A.Lloyd | October 2, 2014 2:20 AM Judging by the fact that the only characters shown here are the new X-Men. This story most likely takes place between chapter 1 and 2 of GSXM 1 (and I think that's where the MCP places this as well). Posted by: Bibs | May 21, 2017 7:11 PM Comments are now closed. |
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