Hulk #434Issue(s): Hulk #434 Review/plot: The story also "confirms" that Fury is really dead. Most of the issue has Nick's Howling Fury buddies laughing at the idea that Fury died, but that changes when Wolverine shows up at the funeral. As for the Hulk, he's feeling a lot of guilt. But equally importantly, the other superheroes aren't thinking very highly of him (and haven't for some time). This is of course something David has been developing in this series for a long time, and it fits generally well with how the Hulk is usually talked about in other books. I do think the line-wide crossovers have been working against this idea, however; the fact that Hulk has helped out in all three Infinity events ought to have earned him a little credit with the other heroes. That's basically it, though. No major fight breaks out thanks to intercessions from Val, Dawn, and President Clinton. The issue ends with the Howling Commandos thinking that they're going to "fade away" now that Nick isn't around. It's worth noting that even though the Marvel books are currently in editorial silos, and issue like this shows that it was still possible for characters from one "silo" (e.g. the "Classic" silo that includes the Avengers) can appear in another. Quality Rating: B+ Chronological Placement Considerations: Hulk seemingly hasn't gone home to Betty since last issue (and therefore not since prior to Hulk #431). But that doesn't mean he can't have appeared elsewhere since last issue (such as in Thor #489). The MCP have Wolverine here between Wolverine #92-93. Daredevil appears here out of costume, and of course this takes place after Darevil's Over The Edge issue, Daredevil #344. The Avengers and Force Works characters' appearances are context free, but note that Captain America isn't here, since is missing; note from a scan above that while the Avengers say that Fury is "dead", Cap is only "gone", which suggests this takes place at least prior to Captain America's funeral in Captain America #445. A random housekeeping note (and a spoiler i guess!), which really should appear in Double Edge: Omega, but i don't have it: i'm following the MCP in listing the Nick Fury appearing in this crossover as Nick Fury LMD III. Careful inspectors of this site will note that i already have a Nick Fury LMD (I) tag, but no Nick Fury LMD II. That is because the existence of Nick Fury LMD II is based on an interpretation of the weird and inconsistent Fury #1 issue. It wasn't an interpretation that i particularly shared (or maybe understood), so i didn't follow the MCP in tagging Nick Fury LMD II in the appropriate issues. However, i'm still leaving open the possibility that i'll change my mind. Therefore, i currently have Nick Fury LMD (I) and III, but no II. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (1): showCharacters Appearing: Betty Ross, Black Widow, Contessa Valentina Allegro De La Fontaine, Crystal, Daredevil, Dawn Fury, Deathcry, Dino Manelli, Dum Dum Dugan LMD, Eric Koenig, Gabriel Jones, Henry Pym, Hulk, Iron Man, Izzy Cohen, Leiko Wu, Nick Fury LMD III, Quicksilver, Reb Ralston, Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi, Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), USAgent, Vision, Wolverine Comments are now closed. |
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