Issue(s): Marvel Comics Presents #107 (Red Wolf story only)
Cover Date: 1992
Title: "Fuel for fire"
Fabian Nicieza - Writer
James Blackburn - Penciler
Jon Holdredge & Christopher Ivy - Inker
Mark Powers - Assistant Editor
Terry Kavanagh - Editor
Well this story is about a Blackfoot reservation that has land on both the US and Canadian sides of the border. The American Blackfoots want Roxxon to complete an oil pipeline that runs through their territory, but the Canadian Blackfoots do not. Roxxon sends in some agents disguised as eco-terrorists to cause trouble. Red Wolf catches them and beats the truth out of them. He also stops an assassination attempt orchestrated by Roxxon on the leader of the anti-pipeline faction. Red Wolf then gives a little speech about how Natives need to make decisions for themselves.
I'm sorry, guys. I refuse to review this in any more detail on the grounds that it does not feature Red Wolf's adorable Lobo puppy.
Quality Rating: D
Historical Significance Rating: 1
Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A
References: N/A
Crossover: N/A
Continuity Insert? N
My Reprint: N/A