Marvel Comics Presents #147 (Masters of Silence)Issue(s): Marvel Comics Presents #147 (Masters of Silence story only) Review/plot: ...take on a gang in Japan. You often hear that Asian parents are strict disciplinarians, but wow: It's weird how Iron Man annual #14 was dedicated to establishing the Face Thief as the mortal enemy of the Masters of Silence and setting up Meredith McCall as the new Kaze, only to have the Masters fighting complete randos in subsequent stories and for Kaze to barely even get any dialogue. Granted, on the later point, they are the Masters of Silence. Quality Rating: D Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A References: N/A Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A
CommentsThis is the Masters of Silence's last appearance, except for Meredith McCall, who shows up after the Crossing as if she was never a member. Posted by: Michael | April 12, 2018 7:44 PM Comments are now closed. |
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