Marvel Comics Presents #98-99 (Ghost Rider)Issue(s): Marvel Comics Presents #98, Marvel Comics Presents #99 (Ghost Rider story only) Review/plot: As you can tell by the title, this story features D'Spayre, and that always makes me despair, but at least Dan Slott brings some whimsy to it, if you'll accept an adorable tiny but still sinister D'Spayre clone, called a D'Spryte, bothering a homeless man as being whimsical. On the homeless guy Jack's say-so, D'Spryte goes after the guy that refused to give Jack any money, and makes him climb onto a ledge to jump. Danny Ketch sees him, but since innocent blood hasn't been spilled, he can't transform into Ghost Rider. So he spills some of his own. Umm, really? That's how it works? No, i didn't think so. Unable to turn into Ghost Rider, Danny just watches while the guy splatters on the pavement. Then he's able to transform, in all the face-melting glory. Ghost Rider catches D'Spryte, but then he's swarmed by the things. Ghost Rider tries to escape the D'Sprytes using Spider-Man's swinging technique, but that's not really his forte. And the Penance Stare doesn't really work against these guys. On top of that, the D'Sprytes make a crowd of onlookers turn into a brick-throwing mob. Jack sees the D'Sprytes manipulating the crowd and tries to stop them, but they don't listen to him. Ghost Rider then uses his chain to whip away all the D'Sprytes, and then everything resets. Even the cut Danny gave himself is gone. The guy that jumped is still dead, though. It's kind of a weird ending, not to mention abrupt. Danny does decide to spend some time talking to Jack, though, although not enough for the character to ever appear again. Slott seemed to have a cute idea but not a story to go with it. Palmiotti pencils are perfectly fine. Nothing standout, but nothing to say that it was the right decision that he go back to mostly doing inks only. If anything, this story gives us the D'Sprytes. Now we just need a Mini-Sized Man-Thing and we can do a super-deformed version of Uncanny X-Men #144. Sam Kieth makes the D'Sprytes look almost Isz-like on the cover. Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: Per the footnote, this takes place after Ghost Rider #23. I'm counting this as an appearance of D'Spayre. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A
CommentsThese things remind me of the "Bamfs" from Wolverine and the X-Men. Posted by: Jon Dubya | October 30, 2016 10:59 PM Comments are now closed. |
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