Marvel Mystery Comics #23 |
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Human Torch and The Parrot: Torch gets knocked out by chloroform early on which suggests he needs to breathe. however, the scientist sends him into the sulfur laden volcano with no breathing equipment and aside from mentioning the bad smell, he suffers no ill effects. a few panels later when workers arrive to extract the sulfur, the scientist makes a big deal about them wearing masks because the sulfur is toxic when inhaled. but Torch, Toro, and the scientist been standing there on the rim of the volcano for hours with no special breathing equipment!
on top of all of that, after the Torch inspects the volcano, the three of them single-handedly construct an entire mining setup in a matter of hours. mind you, they just got off a train, with no building supplies or equipment.
how come the Torch gets an entire jumpsuit and little Toro only gets to wear a pair of swim trunks?
the old crazy guy was german, but i think the assistant was supposed to be hispanic with a very heavy hispanic accent.
Hurricane: he introduces himself as "Michael Gray" but inexplicably, later in the story, the woman scientist sees him in his "costume" and says "It's Michael Jupiter". also, page 8 should really come after page 9 for the story to make sense. or as close to sense as it can get.
Angel: hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *snort*
Capt. America: he's been sporting that pipe the whole time.
Posted by: min | December 28, 2006 9:45 PM
I think Simon & Kirby were responsible for the Hurricane story.
Posted by: Mark Drummond | July 30, 2011 7:50 PM
Tiger Man WTF
No, seriously: Tiger Man WTF
Oh sweet Jesus
Oh no no
Posted by: James N. | August 28, 2011 12:28 AM
Re: Khor, the whole Savage Land / Pangea thing needs looking at again. There are several origins and anomalies to reconcile. It was an alien pleasure playground. It contains the unique Vibranium Anti-Metal isotope. It has mystical properties. It has electromagnetic properties that sometimes but not always inhibits technology. It somehow preserves diverse eco-systems, inhibiting evolution and preventing extinction. It includes dimensional anomalies.
All of this is very Limbo-ish. Then there's the plurality of Limbos, mystic and scientific. Aarkus himself seems to derive his powers from different dimensions, and there's also the Immortus/original Human Torch links there too.
But also consider Quor, whose spaceship crashed in the Savage Land and who used Anti-Metal as a power source. Apart from similar names (and Quor's facemask which was never removed) there's nothing to link Quor and Khor - except that both were trapped in the Savage Land for extended periods of time and eventually tried to harness local resources to escape.
Then think of Malgato, the "Red Wizard" of Irandia, who used advanced technology to simulate magic, including robot pterodons, etc. He never gets any origin much, but wants Shanna and Ka-Zar to perform some mystical sacrifice ritual "to save the Savage Land". When he's defeated and falls into a volcano he leaves behind a mask that appeared to be his face.
However, Malgato's not the first Red Wizard. According to Malgato, in AD1000, the then Red Wizard supervised Razorak the Bold and Khan-Tar the Beauteous' leap into "the consuming flames" to preserve the Savage Land.
After the Great Cataclysm, it was a Red Wizard of the refugee survivors of Atlantis and Valusia who first invoked Garokk the Sun God to keep his people alive in what would become Pangea. Even before that, Aakos the Red Wizard was amongst those summoned by Agamotto to consider how to address the growing war of the Elder Gods.
Now these flame sacrifices might all tie in to Garokk - not the 17th Century refugee who became the villainous and tyrannical Petrified Man but the god at whose altar he originally drank to be converted. Garokk seems to play some role in the creation or survival of the Savage Land, at exactly the time when the Great Cataclysm has changed the world and the Elder Gods have all been transformed or bound. But Garokk was also associated with a bubbling black pool underneath the Savage Land that granted immortality and madness.
So we have dimensions, magic flame, and hot magic liquids. Consider then the cobalt living flame in South America from Avengers #30-31 and the underground Fountain of Immortality used by Tyrannus.
How if the Savage Land was created by the machinations of Agamotto and Gaea to hold back the time when the Elder Gods final, all-destroying conflict occurred? Atum was a sun god (like Garokk). His fires were sacred. It is Atum's energies that were somehow channelled in the "great machines" that preserve the Savage Land and the dimensional gates that attach Pangea. To work, the prison must be physical (the Anti-Metal), mystical (the various rituals and protective beings like the original Garokk), and temporal (the preservative and regenerative aspects of the Savage Land).
But the imprisoned Elder Gods seek to corrupt and ultimately control or destroy their prison. Hence the prevalence of plots to despoil, conquer, and generally repurpose the physical and mystical assets of the site by a range of suspiciously-similar bad guys. Going back to Khor, remember he wore a red outfit, just like the Red Wizards before and after. Belasco's original outfit was predominantly red too.
Posted by: Nathan Adler | February 18, 2012 4:55 PM
Fnord, I meant to ask where you found these stories?
Posted by: Kveto from Prague | June 29, 2013 10:16 AM
They are from a Marvel Mystery Comics #1 published in 1999:
Posted by: fnord12 | June 29, 2013 10:27 AM
Posted by: Kveto from Prague | June 29, 2013 11:04 AM
I'm not being ironic when I say y'all need to check yourselves in regards to Armless Tiger Man. He's not all kinds of awesome; he's EVERY kind of awesome.
Posted by: JP | May 16, 2015 5:18 PM
I was hoping that Armless Tiger Man was born without arms, and therefore could be classified as a mutant. But, no, he lost them in an industrial accident.
Posted by: FF3 | November 18, 2015 3:45 AM
It's possible the armless Tiger Man was based on Lon Chaney in 'The Unknown', a Silent Film in which Lon is dangerous as a knife thrower who uses his feet. Sounds absurb but was pulled off quite well.
Posted by: Wis | January 6, 2017 5:52 PM
There's something so cute about these golden age stories. Gotta love the Silver Scorpion kicking the Beauty Butcher in the balls.
Posted by: kveto | February 24, 2018 7:36 AM