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Marvel Premiere #24-25Issue(s): Marvel Premiere #24, Marvel Premiere #25 Review/plot: ...but is still coming to grips with the fact that he was raised in K'un-Lun to believe that women shouldn't be taught to fight. He later joins a softball game at the park. One team is comprised of the local police, including Lieutenant Scarfe, and the other team looks suspiciously like the Marvel bullpen. In the audience is a princess from a small obscure country ("Princess Azir of Halwan"), who is under police protection and dressed incognito. However, a robot (the "Monstroid" named "Ballox") is sent after her by someone named Hassan... ![]() ...and Danny changes into his Iron Fist costume and defeats it. In the end we see Hassan talking to his master. ![]() This is the first present day appearance of Master Khan. We previously saw him in the flashback describing the Ninja's origin in the last arc. The character will also retroactively be associated with a character in a one-off story published in Strange Tales #77. The next issue is the first by John Byrne - possibly his first work at Marvel. It's hard to judge the art in the B&W Essentials format (luckily my scans come from a color copy); it looks good but isn't quite the super-awesome style that Byrne will eventually develop. Unlike when Romita took over Spider-Man or Steranko took over Captain America, you don't have that sudden feeling of a major increase in quality, but it still looks fine. Iron Fist gets into a fight with Princess Azir's bodyguard, Khumbala Bey, who says he is shamed that it was Iron Fist, and not he, that protected her. Afterward he returns home and find that Professor Wing's apartment is busted up again and Colleen is missing. The Professor is uttering paranoid rantings. Iron Fist and Lieutenant Scarfe find Colleen being arrested by some fake cops, and they chase them, but they are attacked by illusions generated by Angar the Screamer, who has teamed up with Princess Azir's disgruntled bodyguard. Iron Fist defeats them and finds a Stark International business card. Quality Rating: C+ Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: Essential Iron Fist vol. 1 Inbound References (8): show 1975 / Box 10 / EiC Upheaval CommentsJohn Byrne's art was a bit overwhelmed by Al McWilliams' inking. Al had been at various comic companies(and on various comic strips) since the mid-1940s and had just come to Marvel after a long stint at Gold Key. He wasn't at Marvel long and went back to Gold Key quickly. Posted by: Mark Drummond | August 20, 2011 10:48 PM Colleen had enough aptitude with martial arts to handle a couple of Kali cultists in the last arc, and Iron Fist was about as impressed by her skills as he was by Misty Knight's, contrasting both of them with K'un L'un women. So her martial arts background seems to be more Tony Isabella's doing than Claremont's. Posted by: Walter Lawson | July 16, 2012 2:38 AM John Byrne later stated that he got on Iron Fist because Pat Broderick "screwed up", but he didn't elaborate. Byrne also stated that he was put off Colleen Wing because Claremont told him that she was bisexual and promiscuous. I don't see how this was ever put through in the comics, so Claremont may have been just messing with him. Posted by: Mark Drummond | November 18, 2012 4:11 PM Although that does seem to be the backstory for most of Claremont's supporting characters, so it wouldn't be too surprising... Posted by: S | November 18, 2012 4:39 PM John Byrne's first Marvel art was in FOOM#5-9 and 11. A female Iron Fist parody was on the back cover of #9, predating this by months. Posted by: Mark Drummond | February 10, 2013 5:23 PM You can see the Byrne we all know and love in the panel of Angar attacking Iron Fist above. Posted by: Vin the Comics Guy | September 18, 2016 6:17 PM Jeryn Hogarth arguably first appears on panel but unnamed here in #25. Note the subplot about two guys named Charley and Lou spying on Danny as he and Scarfe part with Princess Azir. The pair refer to their boss as "the fat man," and we briefly see him on panel, but drawn rather generically. The fat man has a beautiful woman answering the phone for him. In Iron Fist #6, when IF actually meets Hogarth, the lawyer--who's rather portly and is lays accompanied by beautiful women--says he's been having Danny watched since he appeared in New York. Posted by: Walter Lawson | October 23, 2016 2:43 AM You're essentially right about JB's first work at Marvel, but his first story for them appeared in Giant-Size Dracula #5. How scary is a giant Dracula? I am trying to figure out which one to profile in my Integr8d Fix book since I want to get his 1st Marvels as part of a series of articles about that subject and writers/ artists. Posted by: Cecil | July 3, 2017 8:13 PM Comments are now closed. |
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