Marvel Super Heroes #387-388 (UK) |
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"Anarchy in the UK" is also a song by the Sex Pistols.
Alan Moore had also written fom Marvel UK by doing backup stories in "Dr. Who Weekly/Monthly" and the "Night Raven" series. His Night Raven has never been reprinted as far as I know.
All these stories were intially supposed to be reprinted in Marvel's 1984-86 Dr. Who title, but that didn't happen because of the panel of Marvelman being killed by the Fury. Alan Moore had been writing "Marvelman/Miracleman" in Warrior magazine in the UK(later reprinted by Eclipse) and apparently he had(has?) some type of ownership in the character. The details are too complex for me to go into here, but it resulted in the stories not being reprinted until the mid-1990s.
Posted by: Mark Drummond | September 18, 2011 7:08 PM
Braddock Manor was destroyed in issue 18 of the first Captain Britain series, which guest starred Captain America.
Posted by: Michael | April 24, 2012 12:05 AM
Thanks for plugging my Merlin fix:)
Would love to know if you think there's much credence to my theory that Merlin is really Immortus!
Who then is Roma the daughter of;)
The mystery that's still got me though is what was the purpose behind setting up a precedent for Merlin being an arachnid-being?
Posted by: Nathan Adler | May 7, 2012 9:26 AM
I thought some of those Merlin identities were Easter Eggs referencing non-Marvel versions of the character, like one that appeared in Dr. Who, for example, but i can't find a good confirmation of that.
The Merlin/Immortus connection is interesting speculation and i'll keep it in mind as i continue through my project but so far i don't have an informed opinion on it. As both you and the Marvel Appendix have demonstrated, Merlin's history is pretty convoluted and i'm not sure if adding Immortus to the mix helps or hurts. ;-)
Posted by: fnord12 | May 7, 2012 9:52 AM
Whoa whoa whoa... There was a Miracle Man cameo?
Posted by: Anonymous | July 19, 2013 11:32 PM
Check the first two scans.
Posted by: fnord12 | July 19, 2013 11:47 PM
The third Merlin in the transformation sequence is as he appeared in the Marvel UK Black Knight stories. I believe the fifth Merlin is as he appeared in Dr. Who comics, but I'm not sure. Spider-Merlin may have a precedent somewhere but I've always been content to think of this as just demonstrating the extent of M.'s many identities.
Moore is an outstanding interpreter who tends to start off by borrowing other characters and ideas, before taking them in new and more radical directions than elsewhere. The debt some of these issues owe to Days of Future Past is well known; I think there's also something of Proteus to Jaspers. Or maybe the reality-warping thing is more reminiscent of the cosmic cube?
Posted by: Walter Lawson | November 28, 2013 1:42 AM
Didn't Alan Moore have some small input in the 'Heroes for Hope' comic as well? The Magneto dystopia sequence?
Posted by: Harry | August 25, 2014 4:19 PM
That's true, Harry. He scripted three pages of that. In terms of my "only work Alan Moore" comment, i suppose i should have added the caveat for that and the non-Marvel universe stuff that Mark mentions.
Posted by: fnord12 | August 25, 2014 7:19 PM
Psylocke/Betsy actually appeared in the first Captain Britain Series as a blonde. She was kidnapped by Dr. Ramsey under orders from Dr. Synne
Posted by: Tazirai | November 28, 2014 6:47 PM
Thanks, Tazirai. The Marvel Chronology Project's entry for Psylocke is split up kind of weirdly and i missed that she had appearances earlier than these. I'll be getting to the earlier Captain Britain issues soon and i'll adjust my notes here accordingly when i do.
Posted by: fnord12 | November 29, 2014 1:56 PM
Android Andy (Miracleman's buddy who shared a similar fate) is based on a UK character named Robot Archie:
Posted by: cullen | December 16, 2014 8:47 AM
Never cared for this story. The allegedly omnipotent Jaspers being killed by the Fury, who is then killed by the Captains, is a major league ass pull.
Posted by: Thanos6 | May 13, 2015 9:11 AM
Wow, Excalibur would have made so much more sense (as would have Roma's sudden appearances in X-Men) if I had been able to read this first.
I really like Alan Davis' art, but it's a good thing Captain Britain calls the Black Knight Dane because he looks nothing like Dane Whitman as drawn by, say, any other artist who has ever drawn him.
Posted by: Erik Beck | May 26, 2015 5:58 PM
How was Miracle Man able to be used in this story? At the time Marvel didn't own the character, correct?
Posted by: Bill | May 26, 2015 9:38 PM
This story is the first appearance of Miracleman. He bears a resemblance to Marvelman, and the cameo appearance of an analog with a different name would be considered fair use as parody.
Posted by: cullen | May 26, 2015 10:09 PM
Its tough to say: the Moore version of Marvelman/Miracleman started in March of 1982, and he started Jasper's Warp in July according to the listing here. They only changed his name from "Marvelman" to "Miracleman" in the US in 1985; so my guess is that the Moore Marvelman was ongoing and he figured to sneak him in as a British hero, but changed his name to Miracleman...only for that to be taken as his name later for reprints, which I doubt Alan Moore intended.
Posted by: Ataru320 | May 26, 2015 10:39 PM
There was also a different British character called Miracle Man, also created by Mick Anglo. See .
Posted by: Luke Blanchard | May 27, 2015 3:43 AM
It was just a parody. The graveyard is full of established UK superheroes with slightly different names, and "Miracleman" is what Moore and Davis picked for Marvelman. The name change for the actual character came later, after Marvel's legal threats.
Posted by: ChrisW | May 27, 2015 5:27 AM
Tom Rosetta is a homage to Tim Kelly of "Kelly's Eye", who had a stone called the Eye of Zoltec that made him indestructible.
Posted by: Luke Blanchard | May 27, 2015 6:48 AM
There's information about who the figures named on the gravestones are homages to at .
Posted by: Luke Blanchard | May 27, 2015 7:38 AM
In light of current events, a quick thought of my own: I don't think there was anything wrong with "the main universe" being 616. Sure it was an Alan Moore joke (and of course Alan Moore can get away with it because of who he is/what he became), but it shows that the multiverse is much more complex than one can make it out to be and that just because you're the main focus doesn't mean you're the first in line. At least it appeared to make it more humble than "the main DC universe is "Earth-1"...despite the fact that a lot of the older heroes that necessitated an Earth-2 were originally heroes in our world...though we need to keep Superman and Batman relevant regardless because Superman and Batman.
Posted by: Ataru320 | January 14, 2016 12:36 PM
To clear up a little of the confusion here:
-Several of the Special Executive characters, like Wardog and Cobweb, first appeared in some short comics Alan Moore did for Doctor Who Magazine. Since Marvel had the Doctor Who license Moore also used them here in Captain Britain too. Unfortunately, because they first appeared in Doctor Who it is legally unclear if they are work-for-hire characters owned by Marvel or the BBC and they're not valuable enough for anyone to spend money to figure it out. This is why they were replaced with Gatecrasher's Technet, who are also interdimensional mercenaries.
-The characters killed by the Fury and in the graveyard are ersatz versions/homages to classic British comics characters. Moore's use of "Miracleman" to stand in for Marvelman is coincidental as this story predates the re-naming of the character for publication in the US by Eclipse Comics. Unfortunately, Eclipse picked the same name Moore used for his ersatz version in the Captain Britain story so that made the Moore Captain Britain material a little hairy to reprint until Eclipse folded in 1993. After that Marvel printed this story for the first time in the US as X-men Archives in 1995.
Posted by: Red Comet | January 22, 2016 10:02 PM
Here's a summary of the Doctor Who storyline that introduced Wardog and the other future members of the Special Executive:
If you'd like to check out some of the pages, from these probably-never-to-be-reprinted tales:
Posted by: cullen | January 23, 2016 8:35 PM
At the end of Daredevils #7, where Jim Jaspers has recreated England as a fascist state, on the last page there's a billboard that says "In Your Hearts You Know He's Right." That was the slogan of Barry Goldwater when he ran for president in '64.
Posted by: Andrew | March 16, 2016 12:00 PM
Captain Airstrip One actually had his own solo story.
Posted by: ChrisW | May 3, 2016 1:13 AM
Shouldn't the coining of the 616 term also be mentioned as part of the Historical Significance?
Posted by: Dave77 | May 3, 2016 2:20 AM
Sure. I've added it. Thanks.
@ChrisW, that's cool, thanks for sharing that.
Posted by: fnord12 | May 3, 2016 9:24 AM
Captain Airstrip One strip doubleplusgood ChrisW thanks!
Posted by: James Holt | September 12, 2016 11:04 AM
Moved a bunch of off topic stuff to the forum.
Posted by: fnord12 | September 12, 2016 1:36 PM
"Here's a summary of the Doctor Who storyline that introduced Wardog and the other future members of the Special Executive:"
Definite proof that the Doctor Who stories are part of the main Marvel Chronology....
Posted by: Jay Gallardo | September 9, 2017 8:38 PM