Marvel Team-Up #21Issue(s): Marvel Team-Up #21 Review/plot: We learn that Xandu's desire for the wand stems from a need to heal an old girlfriend who he injured with a magic bolt in his early days. But at the end of the story, Strange declares the girl, Melinda Morrison, dead. Strange leaves the wand banished in Xandu's dimension. I like Sal Buscema's art generally, and much later he will be awesome with the mystical stuff, but his Ditko-dimension, while certainly hitting the right beats, isn't as amazing as it could be. Plotwise, there is a cool bit where Spidey and Doc switch powers. Quality Rating: C Chronological Placement Considerations: The MCP has this between Amazing Spider-Man #131-132, and after Dr. Strange's run in Marvel Premiere but before Doctor Strange #1. References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (3): showCharacters Appearing: Dr. Strange, Melinda Morrison, Spider-Man, Xandu 1974 / Box 8 / EiC: Roy Thomas Comments are now closed. |
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