Marvel Team-Up #72Issue(s): Marvel Team-Up #72 Review/plot: But it's Jean who breaks up the fight by convincing her brother, who has become unbalanced thanks to his powers "like the doctors said it might", to change sides. While they're hunting the bad guys down, Spider-Man tells Iron Man what frequency to listen in on to find a Spidey-Tracer. That's giving away too much about his powers, in my opinion. Wraith and Whiplash spend the whole time bickering over who's gonna be the boss, which i always hate. Overall it's not a very well written story, and not a great return of the Wraith. Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: N/A References:
Crossover: N/A Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (2): showCharacters Appearing: Iron Man, Jean DeWolff, Spider-Man, Whiplash (Blacklash), Wraith Comments are now closed. |
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