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Marvel Two-In-One #11Issue(s): Marvel Two-In-One #11 Review/plot: ![]() Sure, the demon Kaballa attacks again... ![]() ...and the Golem comes back to life (with the Thing's help, by connecting the island he's on to the mainland where the Adamsons are). ![]() But Kaballa is just driven away at the end, not defeated. ![]() ![]() So nothing's really concluded, and there's no reason the Golem couldn't have appeared again in some series, although this is pretty much his last appearance (until a minor appearance in Keith Giffen's 2006 monster-mash Nick Fury's Howling Commandos series). The theme of this issue is the Thing being treated like a monster. When he first arrives in Florida there's a radio report talking about a stone monster on a rampage and he assumes they're already complaining about him. ![]() And here's his comment at the end. ![]() Also, people don't want to sit near him on the train. ![]() And why is that, Mr. Grimm? Is it because on your way to the train station you refused to tip the cab driver, and when he complained you "hung him up on that stop light"? ![]() Then you barreled your way through Grand Central Station, knocking people down... ![]() ...including the ticket taker... ![]() ...and then TORE UP THE GODDAMN TRAIN PLATFORM stopping the train because you were late? ![]() Honestly, humor is good, but it's a bit of a tone shift going from that to a "why can't we accept people who are different message?" and it just makes the Thing look oblivious. Quality Rating: C- Chronological Placement Considerations: The MCP places this between Fantastic Four #163-164. References:
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CommentsI'm not too familliar with Bob Brown's pencils. Kind of looks like he's going for a John Buscema look in the action scenes, doesn't it? Posted by: Jay Patrick | May 3, 2013 6:12 PM Bob Brown still wasn't used to the Thing. In #10, he gave him weird distorted fingers; here he makes the Thing look like a tub of lard. Posted by: Mark Drummond | May 4, 2013 4:16 PM There's also a mistake here where the Thing has a thought balloon assigning his orange look to Gamma rays. Posted by: Mark Drummond | February 13, 2016 3:32 PM The next issue tagline at the end promises "The Most Unexpected Team-Up of All!!! The Thing and - - WHO? Don't Miss It!" I suppose there must have been deadline issues or the editors were in the dark, as the next issue's guest star was Iron Man, not exactly an out-of-left field choice. Besides, Ben and the Golem qualifies as a pretty unexpected pairing, if you ask me. Posted by: Brian Coffey | October 27, 2017 11:33 PM Considering the golem's place in Jewish folklore, one wonders how this meeting would have been handled if it occured in the early 2000's, when Ben's own heritage was finally openly acknowledged? Posted by: Brian Coffey | October 29, 2017 8:51 PM "The next issue tagline at the end promises "The Most Unexpected Team-Up of All!!! The Thing and - - WHO? Don't Miss It!" I suppose there must have been deadline issues or the editors were in the dark, as the next issue's guest star was Iron Man, not exactly an out-of-left field choice. Besides, Ben and the Golem qualifies as a pretty unexpected pairing, if you ask me."
Posted by: clyde | October 29, 2017 10:03 PM Comments are now closed. |
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