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Moon Knight #45-46Issue(s): Moon Knight #45, Moon Knight #46 Review/plot: ![]() ![]() ![]() So you can thank Moon Knight's refusal to accept help from Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Strange for the creation of a new super-villain, or at least super-vigilante. Somehow, this guy never teams up with the Apparition from the original Ghost Rider #57. But Moon Knight doesn't meet him yet. He continues to knock out guards and keep track of his remaining time on his "death-watch". ![]() He then encounters the Demogoblin, and when they touch it causes Moon Knight to hallucinate. ![]() Several pages of boring illusions later, Moon Knight recovers and fights Demogoblin for real. Demogoblin was hoping to use Moon Knight as a new host body, but he's surprised when Moon Knight gives in to the demonic blood inside him. ![]() ![]() But it turns out we're still in illusion land. So Moon Knight hasn't really gone full demon yet. But he has managed to collect some Demogoblin gloop. ![]() He does seem at least somewhat demonic, though, as we can see when Moon Knight finds Psycho and thinks he's been killed by Deadzone. Psycho is still alive, but he's in a coma. ![]() A fullscale riot has broken out in the prison, and Deadzone zaps some of Moon Knights Demogloop samples. And there's just a half-hour left on his death-watch. So Moon Knight has to consider fleeing. But he stays to stop the riot. He's helped by a reporter, Kim Hong. There are actually a lot of characters that feel like they will be repeats. Kim Hong gets a fair amount of screen time. The guy that she stops is a sniper-assassin named Snapp Simone. ![]() ![]() And there's another prisoner named Krak that seems to have super-powers, and another guy that bosses him around. ![]() As far as i can tell, none of these characters appear again, though. Anyway, then this happens. ![]() ![]() That stops the riot right quick. But Deadzone manages to escape, and Demogoblin has escaped as well. Thanks Moon Knight! Frenchie shows up in Moon Knight's chopper and tractor beams him up and transports him back to Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Strange. ![]() Moon Knight is cured, but since the cure came later than the 72 hours he was originally given, it's said that the demon blood has permanently bonded with him in some way. So he's told to leave his armor on for another 48 hours to see if he'll really live or not. ![]() At the very end, we see a demon crawling out of Moon Knight's cape. ![]() I'm trying to put aside my longstanding disinterest in Moon Knight when looking at these issues. But it really feels like Terry Kavanagh doesn't know what to do with the character. On the one hand, we've got all this Shadow Cabinet stuff, which seems like we're going in the direction of having him use his wealth to fight crime in a less direct way. And that's potentially interesting, but so far it's been more like lingering than developing. There are six thousand members of the Shadow Cabinet, and i can barely put names to their faces, let alone tell you anything about them. And then on the other hand, Moon Knight has practically been turned into Ghost Rider and we're dealing with all this demonic stuff. Maybe the problem is that Infinity War dragged all of this out more than Kavanagh intended. But the title just feels, well, "directionless" is the wrong word. It's more like it's trying to go in multiple directions at once and ultimately not going anywhere. These issues are also heralded as having a new art direction. But in a book that made its name with Bill Sienkiewicz, the continues to be bland; the new direction doesn't change that. Quality Rating: D Chronological Placement Considerations: The end of issue #44 left Moon Knight with "less than 25 hours" to deal with his demonic infection. At the start of issue #45, he has "less than twelve hours". In the meantime, Demogoblin participates in the Spirits of Venom crossover. He's recaptured at the end of that storyline, allowing for him to be back in prison for Moon Knight in this arc. This story would then also take place concurrently with Spirits of Vengeance #7-8, which also take place directly after Spirits of Venom. References:
Crossover: Infinity War Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A Inbound References (2): showCharacters Appearing: Deadzone, Demogoblin, Dr. Strange, Frenchie, Moon Knight, Mr. Fantastic, Psycho CommentsI actually really like the art in this. It just has it's own weird pulp hooror style and some nice layouts and details. I mean, look at the panel showing the operation: You've got a classic Frankenstein pastiche with the window in Dr. Strange's house instead of the skylight. Reed Richards stretching all over the place to operate a cool Kirby type machine while smoking a pipe while Strange is conjuring at a bizarre 90s demon distorted Moon Knight. And in front of them is Frenchie seemingly looking sideways through the fourth wall and raising an eyebrow at us as if to say "No, I don't believe this either". Posted by: Benway | April 12, 2016 10:18 PM Not only did Deadzone escape but the dialogue suggests he killed several people. Way to go, Marc! Posted by: Michael | April 12, 2016 11:53 PM Jeepers, Moon Knight has become a slog by this point. If ever there was evidence that Moon Knight does not deserve a book, it is right here. I only wanted to read for Demogoblin appearance and wound up having to back track and read the entire run up to this point. It has managed to get worse and worse. Posted by: AF | April 24, 2016 5:37 AM Has Reed Richards ever been seen smoking a pipe before? Posted by: Oliver_C | April 24, 2016 5:52 AM Not for years - probably decades - by this point. Posted by: AF | April 24, 2016 6:08 AM According to All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 003 (Demogoblin entry) those issues takes place after Demogoblin is imprisoned again in Spirits of Vengeance 006 Which makes sense. Cause now You have him imprisoned (begining of Web 93), released by Doppelganger (Web 94), again in prison (without explanation) (Moon Knight 45-46) and free with Doppelganger again (Web 95) Since he was released by Doppelganger from different prison than Moon Knight is planning to break in in Moon Knight 44 I would say that issue also has to take place AFTER Spiritts of Venom Of course You can figure out some explanation why not to move those, but right now Demogoblin chronology is definitelly not OK Posted by: fragsel | February 18, 2018 1:55 AM I agree that Demogoblin shouldn't be re-imprisoned without explanation. Luckily, it turns out that 13 hours pass between the end of Moon Knight #44 and the beginning of Moon Knight #45, and so maybe that's when Spirits of Venom takes place. The one wrinkle is that the Shadow Cabinet think/know that Demogoblin is in a prison in Connecticut at the end of #45 and that seems to be the same prison - Brinkstone - that Demogoblin is in in #45. But when Doppelganger releases Demogoblin in WOSM #93, as far as i can see the location is just given as "elsewhere" so maybe that's where Demogoblin was both times (after getting transferred from Tombs in MCP #112). Alternatively, maybe all of WOSM #93-94 and Spirits of Venom take place during MK #44 (Moon Knight's countdown does go from 72 hours to 25 in that issue). There's no getting around the fact that Web of Spider-Man #93-94 take place during MK #44, before the scene with the Shadow Cabinet, but that doesn't prevent me from moving MK #45-46 after SOV. Posted by: fnord12 | February 18, 2018 5:53 PM Comments are now closed. |
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