Night Thrasher #12Issue(s): Night Thrasher #12 Review/plot: Silhouette fights young Tai, and - despite the possible paradox implications - kills her. The idea is to weigh Silhouette with the moral implications of having killed a young girl, but it doesn't feel particularly weighty to me, considering a) it's an alternate timeline and b) Tai is so overtly Evil with a capital E, even as a kid. Namorita stops the war between the proto-Atlantean villages. Total cliched pablum. These little solo time-travel stories are all just garbage. Imagine setting up a crossover just for the sake of some superficial vignettes. Imagine hoping New Warriors would stick around for the solo books after feeding them this crap. Meanwhile, Sphinx remakes Egypt in his image. This is Nicieza's last issue of Night Thrasher. After a two-parter by Dan Slott, Kurt Busiek will take over as the regular writer. Quality Rating: D Chronological Placement Considerations: This is part five of Time and Time Again. Part six is in Nova #7. References: N/A Crossover: Time and Time Again Continuity Insert? N My Reprint: N/A
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